What is your dominant emotion?
What is your dominant emotion?

What is your dominant emotion?

I felt tired in the evenings, for the last 2-3 days.
Today it was exactly the opposite. I was relaxed, listening to the music. I noticed that the difference was in the dominant emotion around which my thoughts were moving. Today it was ‘gratitude’. Generally it is pride. I realized, gratitude is such a magical emotion. The reason you are relaxed when you are feeling gratitude is that, one, you are not in a hurry to achieve things, you are just grateful for what you have. Second, you do not try to control things, you leave it on everything around, you do your part and then you say, “Thank you universe for everything else. I couldn’t have made it on my own.”

What is your dominant emotions? And how does it make you feel?

Ganesh Birajdar

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